We are committed to serving our guests. In everything we do, in every decision we make, our goal is to provide a quality shopping experience...the kind where our guests want to come back and bring their friends and family.


It was in 1893 that Karl and Dagmar Soelberg left the lush, green meadowlands of Denmark and sailed to America. Struggling to provide for his family, Karl eventually found his way to Grantsville, where he started working at the Co-op store in 1905. This dusty little town became home and the place where Karl and Dagmar would find their niche in the grocery business. Life was always busy while raising a family and running a store, but they worked hard and expected their children to do the same.

That love of working hard wove its way through generations and the business eventually became Jr. Mart, run by Karl's grandson, LeRoy Jr. and wife LaRue. They exemplified a commitment to family and community, a legacy that survives today as Soelbergs Market, now owned by daughter Carol and husband David Jefferies.

Though places and names have changed, Soelbergs Market still embraces the ideals that began more than 100 years ago. Soelbergs is a result of years of working hard and doing something well, and the Soelberg family is committed to providing a quality shopping experience for all who come in... the kind where guests want to come back and bring their friends and family.

Karl and Dagmar
LeRoy Sr.
LeRoy and LaRue
David and Carol